Holiday Fun Page 4
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The next week started out good. As promised, Brandi had called Laurence to ask if he would get information on which elementary school Doug, Drew, and Jon would be transferring to. She was glad he got back to her quickly. He told her the closest one was Sunset Beach Elementary and the estate was considered to be in that district. She then looked up the school online, printed off all the information, and gave it to Doug. Brandi was very impressed with the information she read and was really happy that it was preschool to sixth grade. That meant they wouldn’t have to look for a preschool for the triplets.
Although the week started out good, Brandi was exhausted by Wednesday. She’d spent at least half her morning each day in the office of her boss and friend, Director Oliver Thornton. She let Director Thornton know that she and Nik weren’t planning on leaving until after the first of the year if the kids were agreeable. She was glad that, like when she and Nik first informed him in November, he didn’t ask why they wanted to move; he just seemed to understand her need to be out of Denver. They had spent the rest of the time discussing the open cases, as well as discussing if she had any suggestions for who should run the team. Although she hadn’t talked to Nik or John about her ideas for it, she told the director the two agents she thought best suited the position.
Wednesday, after she got home from the office, Brandi got a call from her cousin Grayson. She thought she knew what it was about, but she said, “Hi, Gray. What’s going on?”
Grayson burst out laughing. Once he calmed, calling her the nickname he always used for her, he said, “Hey, love. Just heard some interesting news.”
Working hard not to giggle, Brandi asked, “What?”
“Marilyn called me. Brody stopped by Castle News on his way home. He mentioned to her that Doug made a comment about starting a new school after break in Hawaii. You moving to Rob’s?”
Brandi started giggling at that point. “Sorry. I was wondering if that’s what this was about. If the kids are agreeable, yeah we are.” She then sighed while trying to relax.
Gray heard the quiet sigh and understood. “No need to explain. From what Marilyn said, it sounded like the kids want it, too, with Doug saying he’d be at a new school in January.”
Before she had the chance to reply, Brandi felt a hand run down her hair. Glancing over, she smiled when she saw Nik. Refocusing on the conversation, she told Gray, “That does sound like it. The kids haven’t told us anything yet, so maybe they haven’t quite finished discussing it. Hopefully, we’ll find out soon.”
Hearing a knock on his office door, Gray looked up before nodding to his assistant. “Hopefully. I gotta go, love. I have a client here. Let me know when they tell you and Nik and we can plan from there for any of us guys helping with the move. Talk to you soon. Love you.”
“I will. Thanks. Love you, too.” Closing her phone, Brandi looked at her husband then leaned against him before she said, “That was Gray. Brody told Marilyn that Doug said he’ll be starting a new school next month. Although I don’t want to assume anything, it sounds like they’ve decided. Gray said to let him know when we find out for sure so we can plan for help with moving from him and any of the other guys in my family.”
Even though Nik could feel that Brandi was stressed and sad while he was finishing up at the office, he could put it to the back of his mind for the time being. The moment he had walked in the door at home it had hit him full force, causing him to frown. He didn’t see her but he could hear her on the phone. Following her voice he had joined her at the table, moving to stand next to her. He’d only been resting his hand on her hair, after running it down part of the length to let her know he was there, until she’d closed her phone and leaned into him. As Nik listened to Brandi tell him she was talking to Gray as well as what the conversation was about, he crouched down next to her and held her.
Lifting Brandi out of the chair, Nik sat down with her on his lap. “We’ll have to see if anything is said when they’re all home from school, but yeah, it does sound that way. That’s good to know that Gray and the rest of the guys are willing to help us. You doing okay, baby?”
Although Brandi knew she had things to get done she rested her head against Nik’s chest, content where she was at the moment. “I am now. Thanks, babe. Gray didn’t ask why, just if we were moving, so the memory hit hard again. Sorry if I worried you.” As she started to move to give Nik a kiss, Brandi heard a sound from the baby monitor. Continuing on, Brandi kissed her husband then said, “Come help me with your children, please.”
Bringing Brandi back close, Nik kissed her again before saying, “Of course. I’ll grab their bottles and meet you in the bedroom. Are there any already made up?”
Scooting off Nik’s lap, Brandi nodded and said, “Yeah. There are two in the sink in warm water. They should be at the right temperature now.”
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Doug ran into the house after school, closely followed by his younger brothers and sister, with his older sisters slowly bringing up the rear. In the morning on the way to school, Doug asked Anna about Hawaii and even more about Oahu itself. He’d wanted to know what the island was like, what the house and estate were like, plus asking about Granddad and his butler. By the time Anna was dropping off the three boys at school, it was decided they would move after the first of the year.
Now that they were all home, Doug wanted to be the one to tell their parents. Not seeing them in the kitchen, dining room, or family room, he suddenly noticed voices coming from his parents’ bedroom. As he approached, he was glad to see the door open. Stepping in, he said, “We’re home and we’ve decided.”
From the excited voices, Brandi knew the kids were home. Glancing over at Nik, she smiled before she finished changing Brittany. At Doug’s comment from the doorway, she picked up Britt and turned to the boy as Nik lifted Jason. “And?” she asked.
Doug grinned and shook his head. “Nope, you gotta come out to the table so we can do it as a family.”
Brandi tried to keep from smiling. Feeling a nudge, she shifted her gaze to Nik and could see his chest moving from laughing. Biting her lip, she gave him a light shrug as her eyes sparkled with suppressed laughter. Reaching the dining room, Brandi sat Brittany in the playpen as Nik put Jason down next to his sister before they joined the rest of the kids at the table. She was partly surprised to see John, looking corporeal, and Charles also sitting there. She didn’t question it, though, since both men were also considered family. “It looks like we’re all here. What’s the verdict?”
Doug looked over at Anna and Leah, gaining a nod from both. Swallowing, he cleared his throat before he said, “We talked about it. I asked Anna why we weren’t going to Seattle to be near Grandpa Alex. She said that you haven’t seen Granddad Rob in a long time so you wanted to be there instead. That the estate is really cool and it has its own beach. The house is really big, too. She said we’ll like him even though we haven’t been able to meet him or his butler yet. Did you invite him to the wedding?” Seeing Brandi nod, Doug then asked, “Why wasn’t he there?”
Brand smiled. “He was on a book tour. And Anna is correct. I haven’t seen him in a long while so, yes, that is part of it. But it’s also that, even though it’s a few hours by plane to return to the west coast, it’s a beautiful place to live. Mike, Eric, and I lived there when I was around your age and loved it. I still think of it as home even though I haven’t lived there in years. And I do miss island living. It isn’t quite as hectic as here on the mainland. Dad and Leah haven’t had the chance to meet him yet, either, only Anna and John have. So, I’m looking forward to that, too. I’m glad you asked about him and the estate. With finding out about it all, how did y’all decide?”
Doug looked over at his sisters again before looking at his parents and the two men the kids considered uncles. “We wanna move. I think the school sounds cool. And I’m sure Brody can talk his mom and dad into coming to visit when they can
. Do we really have to wait until Britt and Jay have their birthday?”
Nik coughed, hiding a laugh at Doug’s last question. “Yeah, buddy, we do. We already have the party planned for here. But we’ll have whatever we’re taking with us right now all packed so we’ll just need to get on the plane and go. Mom and I will make sure what we need to do to get you, Drew, and Jon registered in the correct grades, as well as the triplets into the preschool that your new school has. Anna and Leah will have to see what they need to do for transferring if that’s their choice.” Nik was happy to see both girls nod at him with small smiles.
This was the best news Brandi could have received. It was like a weight had lifted from her shoulders as she felt the stress and anxiety slide away. This was going to be a happier Christmas then she’d had in a long time. She loved her family.
Chapter 5
Christmas Eve
Brandi woke up earlier than normal. Sliding out of bed without, surprisingly, waking Nik, she checked on the babies before going out to the kitchen with all three wolves on her heels. Even though she was more of a night person, she liked the quiet in the early hours of the morning. This morning was no different. Jim, her stepdad Alex, as well as her brothers Eric and Joshua, had all arrived last night. Jim, Eric, and Joshua were upstairs sleeping. Alex was staying with his brother Ben, her uncle. Her brother Mike and his wife, her cousin Grayson and his family, her cousin Adam and his wife, her uncle, stepdad, and her grandfather would all be arriving for breakfast in a couple of hours.
Although is it was still a little early, Brandi got started on breakfast. She was glad it was finally Christmas Eve. She and Nik had been able to register the kids in their new school, including the triplets in the pre-school, prior to Christmas break starting. It helped that it was her father’s home they were moving to and that her maiden name was Masterson-Stewart. She had given them Laurence’s name, with his permission, as well as the house phone number in case they had any questions. They’d also started packing suitcases and making lists of what they wanted to take right away. Brandi had spent a lot of time on the phone with Laurence and her dad, mostly her dad, asking if they could move the house to the estate or should they buy property between his estate and town. Rob told her he would think on the matter, but in the meantime Brandi and her family could stay at the house for as long as needed. While she’d had him on the phone she invited him, as well as Laurence and the dogs, to her house for Christmas. She wasn’t sure yet if her dad and Laurence would be joining them. Rob told her he wasn’t sure but they would try. Looking at the time, seeing it was already seven-thirty, she hoped they would and that they would arrive today. As that crossed her mind, she could hear the unmistakable sound of a helicopter arriving.
Holding both babies, not surprised he’d awoken alone but glad the twins were dry, Nik stood in the kitchen doorway watching his wife. Also hearing the helicopter, he stepped up behind her. Leaning down, he kissed her neck then said, “Are we expecting someone else, baby?”
Brandi sighed at the kiss before she leaned her head against Nik’s chest briefly. Glancing back at him after straightening, she grinned and gave each of the babies a kiss. “Since everyone else is here or can drive here, it should be Rob and Laurence. I can’t think of anyone else who would be arriving in a helicopter.”
Nik placed the twins in their highchairs. Moving back to Brandi, he gave her another kiss then said, “I’ll take the car to pick them up, since the only place to land the helicopter is by the plane. Back soon.”
By the time Nik returned everyone but Brandi was congregating in the family room. He couldn’t help but grin at the surprise on Mike and Eric’s faces at seeing who followed him inside. Excusing himself, he headed into the kitchen to see if there was anything he could do to help. “Anything left to do, Mate?”
Brandi giggled and handed him the baby food she’d been giving Brittany. “Finish feeding your daughter, please. Jay ate. While you do that, I’ll get the waffles finished. Jess, Marilyn, and Lena came in to help with what they could, but there wasn’t much since I didn’t want the food to be cold. They did make coffee and juice, plus they set the table for me.”
Nik had been about to sit down when Brandi said the magic word for him. Coffee. Turning around, he grinned at Brandi as he grabbed a cup, filled it, and then sat down in the chair Brandi had vacated so he could finish feeding their youngest daughter.
When Nik was done feeding Brittany, he cleaned her face. Glancing over at Brandi, he saw she was putting the last of the waffles on the platter. “Everything ready, baby?” Seeing her nod, he lifted Brittany out of her highchair before he did the same with Jason. Moving to Brandi’s side, he leaned down to give her a kiss then said, “I’ll go put them in their playpen in the dining room and then be back to help.”
Smiling at Nik, Brandi returned the kiss and then said, “Thanks, babe. Oh, have I told you lately how much I love you?”
Nik chuckled then gave her another kiss. “Actually yes, earlier this morning. I’ll take it, though. I love you, too. Be right back.” Chuckling again, he left the kitchen.
Quietly laughing, Brandi shook her head. Re-facing the stove, she finished with what she was cooking. Expecting Nik to come back and grab a platter, she was surprised to hear a throat clear from the doorway. Turning toward the door, Brandi nearly bounced at seeing her dad, Rob, as she grinned. “Hi, Dad. I’m glad you made it.”
Stepping into the kitchen Rob moved to his daughter, smiling in return. “Hello, Brandi. I am, too. Thank you for inviting us. Poseidon and Hades are also happy to leave the estate. I am glad that the Akitas know the wolves. They weren’t sure of your husband, though, and they seemed to smell something different about him.” He kissed her cheek then continued. “I thought I would see if you needed any help. By the way, including the three boys you adopted, your children are adorable. Nik is a very good father, from what I’ve noticed with the two youngest.”
Brandi’s head dropped slightly at his praise, slightly embarrassed. “Thanks, Dad. He really is and I have to agree about them all being adorable, though you have been around Anna. I’m not surprised Poseidon and Hades remember Herc and Ares. As for what they smelled on Nik…” She happened to look up at that moment, feeling her husband close by. Seeing Nik coming in the kitchen and nodding to her, she gave him a small nod than then told her dad, “Nik is a werewolf. I met him in the 1770s in the monastery, but he didn’t have anything to do with my getting there or even being held there. He is also Anna and Leah’s actual father.”
Rob didn’t bat an eye at what Brandi told him. The dogs hadn’t been necessarily aggressive toward Nik but had been leery until they’d arrived at the house and the wolves had greeted Nik as if he were one of their own. Rob knew what his daughter was, had an idea of how old she really was, so the fact she was now married to a werewolf just didn’t faze him. He loved her, and his sons, no matter what. “That explains their behavior and it does make sense.” Seeing Nik join them Rob acknowledged the man before saying, “I’m glad you had nothing to do with Brandi being in that place. Now, what can I do to help?”
Grabbing two of the platters, Nik nodded to the man. “I had thought she was just one that was found and brought in. I didn’t find out the truth until she was gone. I’ve been in love with Andi and knew she was my mate since the moment I saw her. As for helping, if you’ll grab those other two platters and follow me, that will help.”
As Rob took the platters Nik mentioned, he saw Brandi fill a carafe with coffee before taking a pitcher out of the fridge and following them with both.
Once breakfast, with coffee and juice, was on the table and Brandi, Nik, and Rob were seated, it became a free for all for filling plates and glasses, cups for the younger kids. The conversation around the table was the same as it had been at Thanksgiving. Very lively. Brandi loved it. Ken and Brian may not have been able to make it but everyone who was important to her was there, and those visiting would be staying until the day after Christmas
. Well, she was hoping Rob and Laurence would be staying that long.
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The day and then dinner were as busy and lively as breakfast. All ten of Brandi and Nik’s kids enjoyed having two granddads and a great-granddad there. Doug questioned Rob and Laurence about the estate on Oahu, and Oahu in general. Brandi was glad that everything under the tree was only from them, and not from Santa Claus. Brandi had bought something small for both Rob and Laurence just in case they did make it.
After dinner, once everyone was settled in the family room, Brandi said, “The tradition we had as children for opening one gift on Christmas Eve, Nik and I have continued. So, each kid—including Gray and Marilyn’s—will get to open a gift of our choice. Nik, the kids, and I also got a single gift for each adult, including you and Laurence, Dad. Y’all can choose to open your gift tonight or wait until tomorrow when everyone who is staying here is awake and those who aren’t here have arrived. Any who live in town who would like to stay the night, you’re more than welcome, too. Nik is gonna start doing the kids. If any of the rest of y’all would like yours, just let him know.”
Once Nik was done giving each child a gift, as well as handing Jason’s and Brittany’s to Brandi for a moment so he could lift the twins out of their playpen, he looked at each adult. He wasn’t surprised to see them shake their heads ‘no’ plus hear a few say, “No, I’ll wait.” Settling himself next to Brandi, Nik handed Brittany to her before he picked up Jason’s present and sat it nearby.