Holiday Fun Page 3
Nikolas had stepped in and was about call out to Brandi to see if she needed any more tea when he glanced through the kitchen door to see her hugging another man. He frowned when he felt the love and caring she had toward the man she hugged. It was near the intensity he felt from her with regards to Jim. Wanting to know what was going on, he headed toward the couch. Nikolas stopped when he heard the man laugh, suddenly wondering who the man actually was. He continued on, sitting on the arm next to Brandi when he reached her.
Feeling a weight on the sofa arm as well as a leg behind her, Brandi knew Nikolas had joined them. Leaning back against Nik’s leg, she looked at the man next to her and said, “You’re three weeks early, though. Is everything all right? Is Noelle okay?”
He quietly laughed again. “She’s fine, Ree. There aren’t any other problems either. I just thought I’d take a break and come say hi and spend a little more time than I normally do on my regular night.”
Nikolas growled and only said, “Mate?”
Brandi giggled. She could feel her current husband was getting frustrated. Turning to where she could look at both men, she said, “I apologize for not already introducing you two. Nicky, this is my husband, Nikolas Davidson. Nik, this is Nick White.” She wasn’t quite sure why she’d said that for his last name. She hadn’t read it in his mind; she honestly didn’t know if she could read his mind or not, but it felt like the correct last name for him to use if away from the North Pole. Brandi nearly laughed. Since she’d used his actual name instead of what the world called him, it sounded weird to introduce Nick to Nik. From the corner of her eye, she saw Hercules, Ares, and Thoth lying in front of the fireplace.
Nikolas didn’t reply right away, letting his mind filter back over her memories as well as her journal. He started to remember the name as he noticed light from the fire illuminate the other man’s face, aiding his already sharp vision. Quietly chuckling, Nik said, “I’m glad it’s just us and the twins.” The part of him that was a very old adult didn’t want to believe he had, basically, Santa sitting there next to his wife—who had been Mrs. Claus. The kid in him was excited to finally meet the man. It didn’t matter that he was actually 290 years older than Santa.
Brandi tried not to laugh as she teased, “That’s all you have to say?”
Nikolas leaned over, easily lifted her off the couch and slid down, placing her on his lap. “No, it was just the first thing that came to mind. The twins are too young to care, but six of the other eight may wonder why Santa is visiting early if they even realize Nick is Santa. I’m not counting Anna and Leah since they’re 200 years older than the other six, so they also probably don’t care, and I would guess they know of and/or have met him as Nick. Neither memories nor journal showed if the girls have.”
Nick laughed. “I know Ree doesn’t tell people about me or Jim, which is fine with me, as I know it is for Jim. It doesn’t take anything away. Since I haven’t read her journal I couldn’t say what she has put in it regarding me. I do keep watch, though, so I don’t need to see Ree’s memories to know what has gone on with her life. If you know her memories and have read her journal, then I’d guess you are more than just wolf mates. You are one of her very few true mates.” Nick decided not to mention that he’d tried reading her mind before letting her know he was there and found he couldn’t. He then shook his head. “I haven’t actually met Anna or Leah, nor have they met their sister, Noelle. So it’s good they aren’t here either.”
Realizing the time, Nick sighed. “Speaking of Noelle, I need to get home. Since Noelle becomes a baby at the appropriate time whenever Ree starts over, she’s only 12 for this life. I also have work I still need to get done.” Leaning toward Brandi, Nick kissed her cheek. “If you decide to stay up this year, Ree, I’ll see you in about three weeks. As always, if you, either of you, need me for anything just say my name and I'll be here.” Focusing back on Nikolas, Nick then said, “I’m glad to have finally met you. I’m sorry that back when you were looking for her, I wasn’t more help.”
Nikolas was surprised Nick hadn’t met Anna and Leah, but thinking about all Brandi had gone through after their birth, he knew he shouldn’t be. Her memories showed him when she was with Nick and there wasn’t any time she was after leaving the monastery to this present time. Shaking Nick’s hand, Nik said, “I’m glad to have met you, too. I realize you weren’t around when I was a boy, and that I was nearly 300 by the time you were around, but I will admit I feel like a kid meeting you. Thank you. I’ll remember that if ever we do need anything. At least now I know why Andi likes to stay up later on Christmas Eve.” As he finished, the last of Nick’s words sunk in. Frowning slightly, Nik asked, “What do you mean you’re sorry you weren’t more help when I was looking for Andi?”
“Do you remember hearing a voice giving you suggestions on where to look?” Nick queried. Seeing Nikolas nod, Nick continued. “That was me. I was trying to help you get to her.” Standing, Nick gave them each a quick nod before he disappeared.
Pulling Brandi close, Nik nuzzled her neck briefly. “That was interesting. I’d wondered since I saw him in your memories and journal if that was who it really was. I honestly didn’t think I’d have a chance to actually meet him.” Suddenly chuckling, he then said once he’d calmed enough, “It’s funny. When I’d heard a voice telling me places to look for you back then I hadn’t put much stock in it, thinking it was my own inner voice thinking of places. Good to know I wasn’t going totally crazy. But we know I wasn’t meant to find you then. Did you know he was coming by?” Nik wasn’t worried about it, more just curious. Knowing they had something else they should discuss, Nik asked, “Are we going to leave moving as a surprise or should we mention it to the kids?”
Brandi settled in on Nik’s lap, giggling at his nuzzling. “You would have, even if it hadn’t been tonight. I would have made sure of it. No, we weren’t meant to find each other then, but I’m happy to know he wanted to help you find me. It’s also nice to know he’s kept an eye on me.” She suddenly stopped as she wondered if he’d been watching during a specific time in 1871. Feeling Nik suddenly bite her neck, she realized her mind had wandered. “Sorry. Was just thinking about that time in 1871 when Jeff snuck up on me in the barn—this was that house in Rock Creek that you saw in my memories—then viciously sexually attacked me, leaving me broken and battered. I don’t know if you’d noticed it in my memories or not, but it seemed as if I saw movement from across the bedroom, in the shadows, at times from the corner of my eye. When Nick said he keeps watch, I started to wonder if I was actually seeing him in those shadows. But because it wasn’t December and his magic wasn’t quite strong enough to do more than just be there, he’d stayed hidden.” At his last question, Brandi rolled it around in her mind before she answered, “I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about that, too. I want to surprise them, but I also think we should tell them, ask them, since we’ll be uprooting their lives again. And we did ask what they thought when we moved here two years ago.”
Nik looked thoughtful for a moment. Slowly nodding his head, he replied, “For Nick, that could be, baby. But you’ll have to ask him when you see him on Christmas Eve.” Since he was of the same mind for the kids, he didn’t bother replying to her for that.
A low chuckle suddenly came from near the tree. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, well, actually I did since I could hear you both talking and caught you saying to Nik what you wondered about, Ree. Yes, I was there, watching and wishing I could do more than only watch. I wanted to be able to help. But I also noticed you had both Jim and Roger there, besides everyone else.” He then looked from Brandi to Nik. “With regards to your kids, talk to them. Since, as you said Ree, you’ll be uprooting them again. I understand why you want to move to Oahu, but it isn’t just the two of you. Sit them down, or at least Doug, Anna, and Leah, and tell them, get their opinion. Anna and Leah will most likely also understand why you want to move. They may wonder, though, if John and Charles will also move. That’s some
thing else you’ll have to think about, decide on.” Nick leaned down to kiss Brandi’s cheek again before he disappeared.
Nik leaned his head against Brandi before he turned, keeping her on his lap, to stretch out on the couch. Lifting his head, he noticed both John and Charles coming in through the kitchen and dining room. Before they had the chance to head upstairs, Nik called out, “Would you two mind coming here for a few minutes? We’d like to talk to you, get your opinion on something we’re thinking about.”
John, with Charles beside him, stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned back. Reaching the couch, John moved the teacup that was on the coffee table out of his way before sitting on the edge across from Nik and Brandi. “What’s up?” John inquired. Even though John was now capable of reading the minds of others, since he was a ghost—one that could become corporeal at will—he refrained from looking at Brandi’s thoughts. Like she would never invade his privacy that way, he didn’t want to invade hers.
Nik smiled at both men. “It’s actually a couple of things. After the New Year, we are thinking of, planning to, move to Hawaii. Oahu specifically. We’re going to talk to the kids once they’re all home, but we also want to hear from both of you.”
John glanced at Brandi. He knew, because of how well he knew her, how hard it had been for her to return to Denver and take over as team leader for his team at the ATF after he was killed. John also knew Brandi had a dad on Oahu so she, Nik, and the kids would still be close to family. Also, if she chose to, they could buy property over there and move the house from where it currently was due to the fact she’d owned it since the 1860s. Still not sure what was being asked, since he wasn’t going to read Nik’s mind either, John said, “I think the move is a good plan. What is it you want to know from us, though?”
Brandi grinned at John. “Your opinion of the move was part of it,” she said. Brandi then continued. “I hope that you are in agreement about the move being a good idea, too, Charles. What else we wanted to know, or more like ask, is if you both would want to make the move with us.”
Charles sat there thinking for a moment. “It’s funny that you are asking since John and I were talking about this earlier, wondering if you were thinking of leaving Denver. Yes, I do agree it’s a good idea. As for moving with you both and the kids, we actually talked about that also.” Charles looked at John briefly. Gaining a nod, Charles then said, “We’d be happy to. I can’t speak for John for what I’m about to say, but if you would like, I would be glad to help you talk to the children. Let them know that both John and I are in agreement with you.”
John chuckled. He liked Charles and was happy they were friends. “Actually, I don’t mind if you speak for me with that, Charles. You know I’ll help with that, too, Dee. I am going to guess that the ones it’ll be hardest for is the girls, Doug, and Drew since they are the ones in an actual school, and Doug will be leaving Brody.”
Brandi quietly sighed and nodded. “I know.” There was part of her that really wanted to have moving be a surprise to the kids, but she also knew Nick, Santa, was correct in saying they needed to sit the kids down to see what they thought and if they were okay with leaving Denver. “Thanks, guys. I appreciate that and we’ll be taking you both up on that.” She felt Nik’s hand lightly rub her back, helping her to relax.
John leaned across and kissed Brandi’s cheek before saying, “It’ll work out, Dee.” He then glanced over at Charles before returning his gaze to Brandi and Nik. “Let us know when you’re ready to talk to the kids.” With that, John, as well as Charles, stood and headed upstairs.
Brandi turned on Nik’s lap and stretched her legs out, resting her head on his chest. Giving another quiet sigh, she said, “I’m glad that Charles and John will help, but what’s the best way to broach it with the kids?”
Nik pulled Brandi close and kissed the top of her head. Holding on to her, still gently rubbing her back, he replied, “The same way we did moving here, baby. We don’t have to tell them the exact reason why, just that you and I have talked about it and that we want to move to Oahu after the twins’ first birthday. I’m not sure what we can say about your dad’s house or this house.”
Snuggling into her husband, Brandi could feel the tension and stress she’d started to feel regarding talking to the kids begin to dissipate. “The main house on Dad’s estate has plenty of room. Dad and Laurence are fine with us basically taking it over, but we can also look at land, or see if there is an area of the estate we can use, and have Ben move this house over. I guess I’m more worried about Doug’s reaction at having to leave Brody and this school.”
Even after two years, Nik was still getting used to feeling everything Brandi felt and her being able to do the same. For some things he rather enjoyed it, but times like now he hated knowing, from feeling it, just how much all this was bothering her. He was glad to feel her relaxing now to where she was starting to drift off. He knew she really didn’t expect an answer or comment from him to her last statement, so he left it for now. He decided to leave the rest of the conversation until morning. Comfortable with where they were lying, noticing the baby monitor on the coffee table within reach, Nik closed his eyes and was asleep with minutes.
Chapter 4
Brandi enjoyed having a relatively quiet weekend with her husband, but she was also surprised her grandfather hadn’t sent the girls and their younger siblings home after only one night. Brandi knew, though, that Wind Rider enjoyed having his great-grandchildren stay with him, no matter the length of time. Sunday evening, Anna and Leah arrived home with their siblings after spending both Friday and Saturday nights with Wind Rider.
Shaking off the thoughts of the weekend, Brandi looked at Nik, glad to see him nod, before she glanced at John and Charles. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly before addressing the wondering looks of the kids. “Dad and I have talked about this and decided that instead of having what was going to be a surprise, we want to get your input.”
Doug looked from his parents to John and Charles then back. Remembering the last time they’d asked for the opinion of all the kids, he asked, “Are we moving?”
“If we said we’re thinking about it, would you be okay with that?” Nik queried.
Doug shrugged. “I like my school and I have some friends, besides Brody. Where would we be moving, and when?”
“Hawaii. Oahu specifically,” Brandi said.
“Why there?” Doug asked. He knew Brandi had a stepdad in Seattle, but he didn’t remember hearing anything about family in Hawaii.
Anna didn’t give anyone else a chance to answer when she questioned, “Granddad’s?”
Brandi smiled, not surprised Anna had picked up on the significance of the place. Looking at Anna, she said, “Yeah.” Refocusing on Doug, she then said, “As to when, Doug, not the first, since that’s a holiday and the twins’ birthday, but soon after. We know you and Drew are off on Christmas break from the eighteenth to the second. Before you ask, I’m not sure yet what school you’d be going to or its schedule over there. I can have Laurence, my dad’s houseman, check on that this week.”
“What’s a houseman?” Doug wondered.
“Kind of like a butler. Laurence takes care of the house and estate since my dad spends a lot of time away on book tours. He’s a mystery writer, and a very well-known one.”
Doug nodded, thinking. “What about Charles and John?”
Charles smiled at the boy. “We’ll be going, too. To add to what Mom said for a houseman, in a way that’s what I was for Dad before Mom arrived. I helped him take care of the house. Now both John and I help keep an eye on all of you since Mom and Dad can’t be everywhere.”
“Why do we have to move?” Doug questioned.
John glanced over at Brandi. Mentally, he told her, I know it still hurts, Dee, even if it was six years ago. But the kids and Charles need to be told what happened. How I died. He saw her sigh just before her gaze met his and saw her barely acknowledge what he’d said. He hadn’t
wanted to say anything regarding the why without her okay. To everyone at the table he then said, “Do you remember when you first met me two years ago and I’d said I was killed in a car accident?” When John saw the girls, Doug, and Drew nod, John continued. “Although we don’t know who did it or why it happened, someone killed me. There was a bomb in the car. It happened here in Denver, well … downtown. So, even though she’s done fine these last couple of years, it’s still hard on Mom to live and work here. Not necessarily this house, but being in town and working at the ATF. This house she’s had for a long time, so if she and Dad want to they can take it with them. They moved here two years ago because the house is here, as is Wind Rider and other family members. Mom and Dad want to move so Mom isn’t around bad or sad memories.”
Getting up, Doug moved to Brandi’s side and hugged her. “I’m sorry, Mom. That makes sense for you wanting to move. I’m guessing you and Dad think of it as a done deal, but can we kids talk about it this week?”
Brandi was trying hard not to cry as John explained. She was happy that Nik was right next to her, running a hand down her arm then holding her hand to help her relax. At Doug’s question, she replied, “We do, but that’s fine. We’d decided over the weekend to make it a family decision instead of just him and me.” She was surprised when Doug got up and came over to hug her. With a smile, she returned the hug. When Doug stepped back, she said, “I’ll call Laurence tomorrow and ask him to get that information so you can have it while talking it over.”
Doug grinned. “Thanks, Mom.” Looking at his brothers and sisters, he wasn’t surprised when they all got up and followed him out of the dining room. He hadn’t asked about Brody again, but he figured that since Brody was his cousin, even if they weren’t in the same school anymore they’d still talk all the time and would see each other occasionally.